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Yuan Hui.
17 years old
Email : Click Here


♥ Gorgeous
♥ One Piece
♥ Music
♥ Self-potraiting
♥ Shopping

Way Out


June 2010


♥ 11 Songs Currently Playing ♥


Joe Khoo

26 June, 2010

♥ Yuan Hui ♥

previously, i was goin for a savin plan for marriage. XD
but of course, that's something jest. haha. i gotta get myself a target. and just then. --------i found it-------- APPLE IPHONE 4Gcool uh? hankering for a white one. but 8gb is enough for me lar. well. though i said before i hate a touch screen hp. but this is absolutely an exception. haha. it's feature is damn freaking super extremely awesome!!!!! 八大賣點 1. 最薄 Smartphone,僅 9.3mm 2. Retina Displayer,960 x 640 3. Apple A4 處理器 (同 iPad) 4. 300 小時備用時間 5. 802.11n Wi-Fi 6. 500 萬像素背照式相機,連 LED flash 7. 720p@30fps 拍片 8. 前置鏡頭 i dont care what its size capacity movie megapixel etc. BUILT IN FRONT CAMERA!!! what i ever crave for!! it does have!! haha. so goin to grab one. after this year. haha. i still need sometime to reach my target right? i mean RM2000++ im not come from rich background or what. gotta count on myself of course. hehe. but i worry whether get snatched after buying this. that must be the worst nightmare XD

Been Here @ 10:21 PM

20 June, 2010

♥ Yuan Hui ♥

last saturday and sunday.
i worked at plaza tasek at tun aminah as Ms. Sunkist=) to keep my 'office' free of citcot guys. i didnt spread this till my work had finished. XD that's why i got so many pics after working. haha. yet i posted them at FB. luckily i didnt add my supervisor. XD
♥ My booth ♥ ♥ My samplings ♥♥ My stocks ♥♥ Me and Joysea ♥♥ My working style ♥PS: i love tropicana more than sunkist=)

Been Here @ 1:23 PM

26 June, 2010

I ♥ Hello Kitty

previously, i was goin for a savin plan for marriage. XD
but of course, that's something jest. haha. i gotta get myself a target. and just then. --------i found it-------- APPLE IPHONE 4Gcool uh? hankering for a white one. but 8gb is enough for me lar. well. though i said before i hate a touch screen hp. but this is absolutely an exception. haha. it's feature is damn freaking super extremely awesome!!!!! 八大賣點 1. 最薄 Smartphone,僅 9.3mm 2. Retina Displayer,960 x 640 3. Apple A4 處理器 (同 iPad) 4. 300 小時備用時間 5. 802.11n Wi-Fi 6. 500 萬像素背照式相機,連 LED flash 7. 720p@30fps 拍片 8. 前置鏡頭 i dont care what its size capacity movie megapixel etc. BUILT IN FRONT CAMERA!!! what i ever crave for!! it does have!! haha. so goin to grab one. after this year. haha. i still need sometime to reach my target right? i mean RM2000++ im not come from rich background or what. gotta count on myself of course. hehe. but i worry whether get snatched after buying this. that must be the worst nightmare XD

Been Here @ 10:21 PM

20 June, 2010

I ♥ Hello Kitty

last saturday and sunday.
i worked at plaza tasek at tun aminah as Ms. Sunkist=) to keep my 'office' free of citcot guys. i didnt spread this till my work had finished. XD that's why i got so many pics after working. haha. yet i posted them at FB. luckily i didnt add my supervisor. XD
♥ My booth ♥ ♥ My samplings ♥♥ My stocks ♥♥ Me and Joysea ♥♥ My working style ♥PS: i love tropicana more than sunkist=)

Been Here @ 1:23 PM